Saturday, March 12, 2016

piano stuffz

today I had a piano tournament. also, I had not did this blog in like, a BAZILLION years. I do not know who won the thing, but I can describe it. the piano was very old, the keys were yellow and the paint was peeling. the songs went well, and I saw my friend playing his songs too!is why I have not written.

the HOUSE OF HADES PART TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


dear y'all reederz,
            I have been still reading the House of Hades by: Rick Riordan. In the previous episode, you saw how Annabeth and Percy fall to their doom and the Athena Perenthos (spelling does not count) getting saved from certain poopanation. In this exciting episode, you see that Percy and Annabeth SURVIVED!!!!!! The angry goddess of the north wind ambushes the crew on the Agro II and get frozen BIG TIME. Well, with Leo gone, the crew is helpless and must search for him, but can they before its TOO LATE?!?!? Stay tuned for MORE AWESOME EPISODES of... THE BLOG SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(or be a loser and don't watch D; )
            RATINGS FOR THE SHOW (these are NOT actors)
Nicholas: this book was AMAZING so far. Its funny, action packed, and MIND. BLOWING.
NOTE:I only will do this show on Tuesdays because I have an art class on Wednesday day.
                                                                                               your handsome host,

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