Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Computers are KOOL!

This is now... the DADDY WATCH!!!!

  • he types
  • he talks computer
  • he talks more to jackie
  • he wants to do GitHub stuff
  • he said OK
  • he talks even more
  • he said spinner
  • he clicks
  • he said CD document spinner(what even is spinner?)
  • he does nothing
  • he clicks
  • he types
  • he speaks
  • he said something about beautifying(whatever that is)
And finally, that ends the...DADDY WATCH!!!!!!!!!!

Today I didn't do much. I did not go rock climbing, instead I went to badminton class. my brother got a computer hardware play kit and his goal is to use his robotic arm with the computer. Daddy is helping him, and there is a lot of cables, a bread board, and lots of other hardware.I think its pretty cool.

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